Block Captain Monthly, May

Block Captains and Fellow Neighborhood Enthusiasts,

Bottom Line Up Front: May is events season on the peninsula - there's a TON of stuff going on in the neighborhood! Also, Block Captain Dinner goes Wednesday, 17 May!

Block Captain Dinner

17 May (Wednesday), 6pm: Mark your calendar for the annual Block Captain Dinner!! Weather-permitting, we'll be in the side lot of Federal Hill Park (right next to 413 Warren Avenue). Spouses are encouraged! I'm looking into getting us a food truck - if that doesn't work, we'll do a potluck and I'll send out the sign-up sheet. BYOB. 

Social/Volunteer Events

4 May: Book Discussion over Stop The Road: Stories from the Trenches of Baltimore's Road Wars at 6pm at Light St Library. Super-well timed, considering all the traffic-calming/pedestrian safety measures that the neighborhood association is working on!

6 May: Kinetic Sculpture Race! The racers will be wrapping around Federal Hill Park at about 10 am - best to get out there about 15 minutes early for the best view.

7 May: I Love SoBo Day (Peninsula Post's annual event) at Baltimore Museum of Industry.

*Also, there's a neighborhood tree-planting event that morning that needs volunteers!*

13 May: Federal Hill Prep Spring Fling/FHNA HomeBrew/Beer Garden event (see flyer attached!) We need a couple volunteers!

17 May: Block Captain Dinner (as mentioned)

21 May: Federal Hill Home & Garden Tour. They need a LOT of volunteers!*

25 May: FHSNA Wine-Tasting at AVAM

*The Home and Garden team has given me a stack of postcard flyers to distribute. I'll drop these off to the block captains who typically pass out the Peninsula Posts. If anyone else would like some, please let me know!* 




Public Safety Info: Area 9 Parking Audit


Meeting Minutes: March 2023