Block Captain Update December 2022

BLUF: FHNA Holiday event on 14 December, Festive Flavors is delayed, we're fixing the FHNA website; holiday gift drive for Federal Hill Prep students. 

1. Holiday Tree Lighting and Best Block Decoration Judging (Wednesday, 14 December, 6-8pm). Great opportunities for neighbors with young families!

- Starts with a tree lighting outside Digital Harbor Foundation at 6pm (hot chocolate, treets, Santa Claus, etc.). 

- We'll then tour the best-decorated blocks in FHNA, ending up outside last year's winners (Peg on the 800 block of William) to vote on the winner, drinked mulled wine, and bestow the Leg Lamp upon this year's winner. 

- Questions? Want to help? Email our social chair, Sheri Hunt (CC'ed)

2. Festive Flavors has been delayed until February due to the turnover at Fed Hill Main Street (it will have a different name, but is the same idea). 

3. FHNA Website Redesign - we're fixing the website, and we want your feedback! FHNA Website Survey

4. Federal Hill Prep Christmas Gift Drive: for 10 families (24 kids) who attend Prep. You can see the Amazon Wish List here. You can email Celine (Wheeling St BC, CC'ed) if you'd prefer to donate money and have the Prep PTO buy the gifts for you. 

5. Peninsula Posts - for our Peninsula Post-deliverers, Steve Cole (the editor) will be dropping your copies off directly on 9 December (since I'll be OOO).


Public Safety Info: December 2022


Public Safety Update: November 3, 2022